Dealing with NIMBY
using SDIC™

Level 1

Earn the trust of your fiercest opponents using SDIC:
the Systematic Development of Informed Consent™

Don't dismiss opponents.
They're the ones you need to listen to the most!

Your program has proven to be the most valuable training that I have received in my career.

- Scott Schell, Division of Wildlife, Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources

What You Won't Learn
We won't teach you any gimmicks or slick outreach tools.

You won't learn how to get sneak approval on your project while the public remains apathetic and disinterested.

There's no trickery in what we teach.
No snake-oil.
No spin.
Nothing unethical.

Use our approach, and you'll become more honest and transparent than you've ever been.

Students have 1-year to complete the course material. 

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Dealing with NIMBY™
Success Stories

"This course is amazing!
The ideas are great,
putting them to work -- I think -- will be hard but rewarding."

Erin Stang, Enviro. Prgm Specialist
AK Dept of Environmental Conservation

After 27 years as a consultant, I now have the reasons why some projects I've done succeeded and other didn't."

Sharon Donnovan
 Director of Planning & Project Development

"Awesome and eye-opening.
I see the errors I made in the past."

Jeannine Fleegle, Wildlife Biologist
Pennsylvania Game Commission

"At the risk of sounding immodest - over the years I've been complimented on my ability to communicate to the public and other non-govt entities, gain their respect and work out differences.

Actually, it's you [the Bleikers] who deserve the most credit because I learned from you the fundamentals that allowed me to be the best I could be."

Raymond Werner, Chief
Air Programs Branch, EPA

It's a paradigm-shift!"

Mike Higgins, Assistant City Manager
Eau Claire, WI

"There's no comparison between this course and other continuing ed training.

You have encouraged me to become a better public servant."

Adrian Early, Dir. of Operations
Covington Housing Authority, KY

"The course gave me a new way to look at how to perform my duties in working with my coworkers as well as the public.
Lots of ways to improve."

Van Beydler, Division Info. Officer
Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources

"A fabulous communication program.
This training can be life changing is practised."

Lillian Abbott
Township of Huron-Kinloss, Canada

"Your courses convinced me that 'Informed Consent' makes the difference when diverse groups attempt to resolve contentious issues."

Chuck Phillips
Environmental Facilitation

A Self-Paced Course

that propels you from ordinary to extraordinary in 1 year
Step 1: Enter YOUR contact info as the person completing this form.

We'll collect student information separately. 


Copyright 2025
